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Accuratus Warranties and Remedies

Accuratus Corporation/Accuratus Ceramic Corporation warranties its products to conform to the specifications described in its quotation.
This is Accuratus’ sole warranty with respect to the delivered goods.
Accuratus makes no other warranty of any kind, expressed or implied.
Accuratus hereby explicitly disclaims any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness or suitability for any buyer’s and/or user’s application of the goods.
Accuratus’ warranty shall be effective for a period of 30 days after the goods are shipped and all claims must be made in writing to Accuratus within the 30 day period or be barred.
Accuratus, at its sole option, can request the goods in question to be returned to Accuratus for evaluation with postage and freight prepaid.
Accuratus will, at its option and expense, either replace or repair any goods which are defective or nonconforming under its warranty or refund to the buyer the purchase price for any defective or nonconforming goods so determined by Accuratus.

The foregoing sets forth the buyer’s sole and non-cumulative warranty and remedy for any defective or nonconforming goods sold by Accuratus. Accuratus shall, in no event, have any other liability for any incidental or consequential expense, damage or loss incurred through use of our product whether or not it is traceable to the defective or nonconforming goods.


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