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Design Notes


Useful Conversion

Accuflect® Reflector  Design

Accuflect® IR Background Notes



Accuflect® Reflector Design Notes

Accuflect® Design for Manufacturability

Accuflect® B6

1. Maintain at least a 3mm wall thickness where possible to minimize breakage in manufacture and use.  It will also provide full reflectance.
3mm wall thickness requirement

2. Do not design seal surfaces into the reflector. Rely on the metallic pump chamber or flow tubes with elastomer seals to provide necessary sealing surfaces.
Accuflect laser reflector mounting

3. UV filter glass can be incorporated to improve laser rod lifetime. The flat glass sheet can be mounted in slots on the inner reflector surface. Slots should be at least 1 mm deep to adequately trap the filter glass.
Intracavity filter mounting

4. Do not use threaded mounting holes in the reflector.

5. Limit reflector size to 75 mm diameter or square by 250 mm long if possible. Multi-part designs for larger geometries can be accomodated.

6. Design for a maximum fillet radius of .5 mm
Accuflect fillet geometry

7. Tolerances as tight as 25 microns can be produced. Try to keep tolerances at  +-.1mm to minimize extra costs.

Accuflect® G6

1. The same notes listed for Accuflect® B6 apply except with a few exceptions.

2. Design for open tolerances. A general rule is +-0.3mm.

3. Passive mounting using compliant components is suggested. Components such as o-rings and springs work well.
Accuflect laser reflector mounting

4. Provide a support surface for holding the ceramic during glazing. Relieved areas 1mm deepwork well. Flat bottom grooves extending across or along the part work best.
Mounting the ceramic reflector in the laser head

5. Design for a maximum fillet radius of 1 mm.

6. Assume mounting surfaces are not flat. Flatness may vary as much as .15 mm so strive for three point registration.

7. Radius all external sharp edges at least .7 mm.

Accuflect® Optical Design

1. Maintain at least a three mm thick wall to minimize light leakage through the Accuflect® material.

2. If a split design is being considered, use lap joints to minimize light leakage.
Ceramic reflector lap joint design

3. Keep the inside shape of the reflector simple. Oval shapes are good. There is no need for complex or critically toleranced paraboloid or ellipsoid focusing geometries since the reflected light is scattered by the reflector.

4. These are designed to be close coupled reflectors. Keep reflector walls as close to lamps and laser rods as possible consistent with adequate cooling. One mm clearance is a good starting point for design.
Ceramic flooded cavity internal clearances

5. Avoid split designs with Accuflect® G6. The glaze is clear and may result in excess light leakage through the joint.

Low Cost Accuflect® Design

1. Keep external shapes simple. Cylinders or rectangles are best.

2. Avoid drilled mounting holes. Look for mounting techniques other than screws.

3. Avoid selective surface glazing with Accuflect® G6.

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